Monday, October 6, 2008

faire du pipi

Today in French our quiz had the question 'Where do you go pee?' Which in itself is an awkward question, but we are learning about different rooms of the house and in France they have the W.C. with the toilet and the sink and then they have the 'salle de bains' with the shower. So the answer was supposed to be the W.C. or the toilet, but instead some girl in my class put salle de bains/toliet/the W.C. so her answer was only partially correct but she wanted the points so she argued. What you need to know about this girl is that she's really sweet and funny and pretty and because the professor is young he is always joking with us and she jokes back with him (nothing creepy though, I know how your mind is working). So Monsieur Young is like 'You pee in the shower?' and she replies with 'What?! You've never peed in the shower? Everyone pees in the shower. (turns to her friend next to her) Haven't you peed in the shower?' It was hilarious because everyone in the class was laughing and then her friend was like 'Yeah, I pee in the shower all the time.' Um, awkward. First, I don't really think peeing in the shower is normal (if you do it, don't tell me) and second I DON'T WANT TO KNOW THEY PEE IN THE SHOWER. You should have seen my professor's face. It was priceless. He got all red and was like 'Ummmmm...' So awkward, man, so awkward.
--Definitely taken from a note I wrote to Leica today :D


Amanda said...

hahahaha. so funny mej. :P i was confused. you didn't introduce the she till after you talked about her. ha. sounds like a very odd class. but fun..i hope. peeing in the shower is a very interesting topic for mormon french class. :P love you!
music today!

SWILUA said...

when I was first married we lived in an apartment with really thin walls and echoey heating vents. one morning we were sitting, watching PBS or something equally as super cool, when through the heating vent we heard a loud, shrill, "RYAN PAHNKE ARE YOU *PEEING* IN THE SHOWER?!!"

we still joke about it.